October 23, 2009

Color Challenge No.18

hi ya'll...happy fall!

every day on the way to work i get to drive through land owned by bernheim forest, which is a nationally recognized arboretum and research forest. the trees are blazing and beautiful...this is my favorite time of year. i've already downed one gallon of apple cider so far... hehe!
and now onto the card! these colors are just fabulous together...and while sifting through my patterned papers i found this giraffe print of chocolate and cream! perfect! doesn't this card look so fashionable?!

xoxo andie...

October 15, 2009

something cute!

hello! can you believe it's thursday already? where has the week gone?!

i made this cute little owl plaque last weekend. i got out my little purple sewing machine and sewed down the middle of that ribbon. ha! i was not sure how it would turn out, but i think it works. i just love love love it! i'm liking pink a lot lately...which is a big change for me! but it's so girlie and cute! i put this little decoration up on my etsy site with free shipping!
and i cannot wait to see this movie! eeekk!
xoxo andie...

October 9, 2009

Cards for Kate

happy friday ya'll!

it's been awhile since i've posted because i had all 4 of my wisdom teeth removed last friday...so i was trying to recover from that, which honestly was not as bad as i had expected! and since i've been up and at 'em, i've been trying to get caught up on housework...i'm sure you all know how that goes! and also i am happy to say that our living room remodel is coming closer to being complete...as the trim and casing is now all up! i just finished spackling the nail holes for the 2nd time this morning. paint will be coming soon! yippee!

i just wanted to share a card i made for something very special. jennifer mcquire (jennifermcquireink.typepad.com) has been collecting cards for a sweet little girl named kate who is battling brain cancer. i've had this on my list to do for quite some time and really needed to squeeze it in this week because the deadline is almost up. . i made a colorful and girlie little card to send to her. i hope it makes her smile!

enjoy the weekend!

xoxo andie...

October 1, 2009

Raspberry Suite Color Challenge No. 17

Morning! Here is my card for Color Challenge No. 17 from Dawn (dawnmcvey.typepad.com). fyi - i can't make my links work correctly so that is why i have been typing them out...for some reason it always tries to point it at a blogger address and screws it all up. ggrr to that!

isn't this a sweet little owl stamp? it is from the same set as the squirrel i used on the last challenge's card. i sewed the embroidery floss so it looked like a little ribbon tied around his neck with a bow. anyhow, here are the colors for this challenge. gotta love it when "kraft" is thrown in there...that is what i usually use as my card base!
hope everyone has a great day!
xoxo andie...

my sweet pippi

for those of you who have read about my sweet little kitten, pippi, that i found and was bottle-feeding, i am sad to say that she passed away on Monday morning. I had just taken her to the vet at 8am because she was having a problem going to the bathroom but started to get diarrhea with a little bit of blood. the vet gave her some antibiotics and said to get a heating pad. so i ran across the street to the store, got the heating pad and everything was fine...she was loving that heating pad, she snuggled up with her little koala stuffed animal & we headed to work for the day. around 10:30am, i got her up to feed her again. i was holding her in my hands and snuggling her little nose and it happened. it was a truly terrible feeling and just writing this is bringing tears to my eyes. i just wanted to say it so no one wondered why i stopped writing about her. she was well cared for in the 9 days that i had her and she got lots of love and affection. shame on that man who just tossed her out by the road to die. i did what i could for that sweet kitten, but sometimes nature takes its course.

xoxo andie...


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